Aviso Legal

PEDRO MARIN LOPEZ, (hereinafter BURLADERO TAURINO) with DNI 53149530A and registered address at Avd. España 58, postal code 02340 Elche de la Sierra (Albacete), makes this web portal available under the following terms and conditions:
For the use of certain Content or Services, BURLADERO TAURINO may require the User certain personal data through the forms prepared for that purpose.
Therefore, and in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data you provide through our website or through mailings Shall be incorporated into the files declared in the General Data Protection Register under the ownership of PEDRO MARIN LOPEZ as owner of the trademark BURLADERO TAURINO with address at Avd. España 58, postal code 02340 Elche de la Sierra (Albacete), with The purpose of being used to manage your request for information and send you advertising about the offers of BURLADERO TAURINO or manage the purchase online.
BURLADERO TAURINO informs all users of the non-mandatory nature of the collection of personal data, except in the fields indicated otherwise. However, failure to complete such data may prevent the provision of all Services linked to such data, freeing you from any responsibility for the non-provision or incomplete provision of these Services.
It is the obligation of the user to provide the data in a truthful manner and to keep them updated, with BURLADERO TAURINO reserving the right to exclude from the Services any User who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions that proceed in Law.
All users can exercise at any time the rights of access, opposition, rectification and cancellation by email burladerotaurino@gmail.com
These Terms regulate the use of the website www.burladerotaurino.com (hereinafter the Website) which makes available to users who access this web portal in order to provide information about their own products and services and facilitate access to them the same.
Due to the nature of the web portal, all sections are accessible to the general public, for which BURLADERO TAURINO also wishes to comply with its legal obligations, as well as to regulate their use. In this sense, users accessing these parts of the Website agree to be subject, by accessing said pages, by the terms and conditions contained in these General Conditions, to the extent that they may be applicable.
Finally, due to the nature of the present Website, it is possible to modify or include changes in the content of these General Conditions. For this reason, the User is obliged to access these General Conditions each time he accesses the Website, assuming that the corresponding conditions that are in force at the time of his access will be applicable.
The User undertakes to use the Services in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, by way of an enunciation and not limitation, undertakes to refrain from:
* Reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the Services, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or is legally permitted.
* Use the Services for purposes or effects contrary to law, morality and generally accepted good practices or public order.
* Use the Services and in particular information of any kind obtained through the Website to send advertising, communications for the purpose of direct selling or any other kind of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people independently Of its purpose, as well as to commercialize or otherwise disclose such information.
* Perform any act that may be considered a violation of any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to BURLADERO TAURINO or to third parties.
The User will be liable for damages and damages of any nature that BURLADERO TAURINO may suffer, on occasion or as a consequence of any breach of any of the above obligations as well as any others included in these General Conditions and / or those imposed by the Law in Relation to the use of the Website.
BURLADERO TAURINO shall at all times watch for compliance with the current legal system, and shall be entitled to interrupt, in its sole discretion, the Service or exclude the User from the Website in case of alleged, complete or incomplete commission of any of the offenses or Faults in the current legislation, or in case of observing any conduct that in the opinion of BURLADERO TAURINO are contrary to these General Conditions that regulate this Website, the Law, norms established by BURLADERO TAURINO or its collaborators or may disrupt the proper functioning, Image, credibility and / or prestige of BURLADERO TAURINO or its collaborators.
BURLADERO TAURINO reserves the right to interrupt access to the Website, as well as the provision of any or all of the Services provided through it at any time and without prior notice, either for technical reasons, security, Control, maintenance, failure of electricity supply or any other justified cause.
BURLADERO TAURINO is a registered trademark. The use of the trademark of BURLADERO TAURINO, which includes both name and logo without the express consent of BURLADERO TAURINO, is prohibited by any means. All rights reserved.
The contents, programming and design of the BURLADERO TAURINO website is fully protected by copyright, and any reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of said protected elements is expressly prohibited except with the express consent of BURLADERO TAURINO.
To resolve any conflict of product acquisition are governed by Spanish law. Are competent to resolve any controversy or conflict arising from these general conditions the Albacete Courts expressly renouncing the user to any other jurisdiction that may correspond.
BURLADERO TAURINO does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for damages caused by access to Third Party Services through links, links or links of linked sites or the accuracy or reliability thereof. These Third Party Services are provided by these, so BURLADERO TAURINO can not control and does not control the lawfulness of the Services nor its quality. Consequently, the user must exercise extreme caution in the valuation and use of the information and services existing in the contents of third parties.


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